What We

How to
Live Forever

Family News



About Our Site


The Bullock Family...a web site where Jesus is Lord!

Summer 1999

Thanks for visiting! (Please scroll to see more!)

"He is not here; for he has risen, as he said." Matthew 28:6 (NIV)

As usual, more photos! Kids, of course, and some flying stuff too.

Allen turns 4 on June 30th, and has mastered the potty.

Playing outside in the warm weather, the vacation God gave us, and wondering where we'll go next.

Gaye has been playing electric bass in a praise and worship band.

Dan keeps computers running in the extended family, and is finally flying again.

Anne is 6 now, and has lost her first baby tooth.

Happy Easter, Memorial Day, and Independence Day! Welcome to Bullock Manor Midwest. We're the Bullocks: Dan, Gaye, Anne, and Allen. We put up this web site for three reasons:
  • To tell you Jesus is our Lord, and why we trust our lives to Him
  • To share the good news of how you can have a relationship with Jesus, be forgiven of everything you've ever done wrong, and live forever!
  • To keep you up to date on what's going on in our lives

Disclaimer: You know, even though I'm a computer geek, I can only make time to update this, our humble abode in cyberspace, every three to four months. After all, we have some serious camping, bicycling, barbecuing, and yard work to do! So make yourself comfortable and enjoy our site, but then check back in, oh, let's say, October, maybe?

Dan's car has miles on it.

This page has been visited times, at least since the last time my internet service provider reset this silly counter.

[ Top ] [ What We Believe ] [ How to Live Forever ] [ Our Family ]
[ Dan ] [ Gaye ] [ Anne ] [ Allen ] [ Photos ] [ About Our Site ] [ Links ]

What We Believe

There is one God, eternal and unchanging, who exists as a Trinity--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God created us in his image, and loves us and cares about us.

The Bible is the Word of God. It is true and without error as originally written. It is consistent and without contradiction.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. It is a historical fact that he lived, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead, and he will return again in glory.

Personal faith in Jesus is the only way to obtain forgiveness for sins, eternal life, and true, lasting peace and joy.

Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We (Dan and Gaye) each came to a point in our lives when we realized we were sinners in need of salvation. We realized the things of this world didn't satisfy our need for love, intimacy, and peace of mind. We realized we couldn't achieve righteousness by our own effort. So, we accepted God's free gift of forgiveness and salvation by believing in Jesus and surrendering our will to his.
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How To Live Forever

We recommend you read the scripture quotations yourself, in context, in whatever translation you like.

God loves you and has a purpose for your life. He created you to have a relationship with him. No matter what you've done, he loves you and wants the best for you.

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " (Jeremiah 29:11)

We have all sinned against God, however, by seeking our own will instead of his...

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

...and the penalty for sin is death.

"The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23a)

The good news is that Jesus Christ paid the death penalty for us.

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

He now offers us eternal life (salvation from our death penalty) and a restored relationship with God as a free gift.

"...the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23b)

All we have to do is receive the gift by confessing our sins, and by believing that Jesus died for our sins and rose again.

"This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe." (Romans 3:22)

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)

"If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

We can't earn God's love. We can't work our way to forgiveness. We can never be good enough to be righteous. We don't have to get our act together first. It's a gift--get it? It's not because of anything we do; it's because God loves us.

"It is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

It's easy, doesn't take any special words, requires no batteries, isn't a secret, doesn't hurt, fade, or wear out, won't break, and no one can take it from you. If you're ready, you can pray something like this: "God, I confess that I've sinned, and I turn away from my sins. I accept your gift of forgiveness and eternal life made possible by Jesus' death and resurrection. I put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and I accept him as my Savior and Lord."

If you've just taken this step, please let us know!
[ Top ]

Family News

The warm weather's here! The grass is growing (oh, no, I gotta mow it again) and we've been riding bikes, having picnics, going to playgrounds and parks, and otherwise enjoying springtime/summertime. We think we fixed a persistent leak in the roof, too, by putting a chimney cap on. The Air Force says we'll probably move to a new base in January 2000 or so, but no indication yet where that might be. Anyone want to buy a house in Beavercreek? Give us a call...

The Vacation God Gave Us. We drove our van to Hueston Woods State Park the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, hoping to have a family picnic lunch, then come home. It's about an hour's drive from our house. Well, the alternator light came on, and just before we arrived, the power accessories (cruise control, power windows) started failing on us. We limped into the park, had our picnic, and tried to start the van. No dice. Called AAA, got the van towed into the nearest little town with a service station, then started calling friends and family on the cell phone. Guess what? No one was home on Memorial Day weekend. However, some kind strangers (God bless you, if you ever read this) overheard us saying we were stranded and offered to drive us somewhere, as long as it wasn't too far. Gaye remembered there's a lodge (a resort hotel) at the park, that we had always wanted to stay at but never got around to. We called and asked if they had a room. No, they said (Memorial Day weekend, remember?), but as it turned out, someone had called JUST BEFORE US to cancel a room (God bless you, too) and we could have it. So, we bummed a ride from our new friends over to the lodge, and spent a great afternoon and evening swimming in the pool, playing in the playground, and doing hotel-ish things. The next day one of our pastors offered to bring us home (we hadn't even asked him). Thus, we figure God turned bad into good and gave us the vacation at the lodge we always wanted!
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Dan is finally current to fly small airplanes again (which his dad, who loves to fly with him, is glad of). When not flying the real thing, he plays the demo version of F-18 Hornet 3.0 on the computer. (It's a free download, after all.) He's also been teaching electric bass guitar to Gaye. Gaye's mom got a new computer recently, and so Dan is now known as "Son-In-Law Technical Support, Inc." He does long-distance tech support for his own mom & dad, too. He's planning to go to the Promise Keepers conference in Detroit in June with his accountability group. With his other free time (yeah, right) he planted a swing set in the ground for the kids--see the pictures.
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Gaye finally got her chance on the electric bass! The all-women praise band that leads worship for the Dayton Vineyard's Ladies' Cafe asked her to play with them. She's been playing bass during their worship times as well as at Celebrate Recovery meetings at the Vineyard. When she's not playing bass, she enjoys the computer game MYST (a challenging puzzle game, completely non-violent). However, she prefers a similar game Dan wrote for her that mimics MYST, called REST. She's also in the process of putting all of the book of First Peter to music. She's doing it in sections, and, working with Dan, has already written several songs. One in particular is our favorite--next time you come visit, ask us to play it for you!
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Anne lost her first baby tooth. Daddy and Mommy...uh, I mean, the Tooth Fairy...visited, and Anne finds the new gap in her lower teeth to be quite useful. Straws fit in it, for instance. One of her best friends, Rachel, is missing the same tooth, so they're awfully cute together. Anne's 6th birthday was the first of May, so now she's a certified Big Girl. She graduated from kindergarten at Dayton Christian Schools, too--see the photos of the big production they put on. (Hey, even my master's degree graduation wasn't this elaborate! -Dan) She tells jokes, too. Remember the old joke that goes, "orange you glad I didn't say banana?" Here's Anne's version: "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Orange." "Orange who?" "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Orange." "Orange who?" "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Banana." "Banana who?" "Banana aren't you glad I didn't say orange?"
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Allen is using the potty now. All the credit goes to Superman. Allen didn't seem to have any interest in getting out of diapers, but then we watched some Superman videos (the old low budget ones are hilarious), and Allen realized that Superman doesn't wear diapers. It was like turning a switch. Now Allen wears underpants everyday--we didn't even go through the training pants/pull-ups stage. He likes to help Daddy shovel in the yard (that's something to see), wants everything "Right Now," and is very excited about turning 4 in June. He likes being a cowboy--just got new boots--and is captivated by anything having to do with space ships or rockets or astronauts. Allen, too, tells jokes: "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Nothing." "Nothing who?" "It's a space ship!"
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Photos photos photos. This is the real reason to own a scanner!

Use your BACK button to return from each photo.

(Sorry, the DSMC photos have been removed. I only have so much space, you know?)

Anne and Allen playing trombone (they do pretty well at it!)

Allen being a cowboy musician

Anne sure enjoys holding Purrty

Allen likes it when Anne reads him his bedtime story

Here's an unusual one: It's a photo of Dan's father Fred at about the age of fourteen (1940 or so), with his late sister Margaret and a friend.

Allen pretending to sleep on our deck

Allen with Daddy on a rock in a creek

Anne just smiling at a creek

Allen throwing rocks in a creek

Anne in her new cheerleader costume

Allen enjoying our new swingset

Anne blowing out candles on her birthday cake

Anne excited about getting a Barbie for her birthday

Anne just being happy at the birthday party

Allen playing at Anne's birthday party

Anne processing at her kindergarten graduation

Anne singing at her kindergarten graduation

Anne is the elephant on the right (graduation skit)

Anne getting her kindergarten diploma

Dan's buddy Cedric flying a Cessna 172

Dan flying the same Cessna 172

The Cessna 172 itself, with Dan at the controls

Gaye enjoying our cat Purrty

Gaye being beautiful, as usual

If our kids weren't silly, they wouldn't be Bullocks!

We call Lacey our Laundry Cat
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About Our Site

This site is a way to share the good news of Jesus, and let you what we've been up to at Bullock Manor Midwest. Everyone's welcome here! We don't advocate or endorse any specific hardware or software; we love you no matter what you use to visit our site!
  • We want our site to be easy to view and fast to download, so it's mostly on one page with only a few graphics. No Java, no frames, no animations, and nothing that blinks--because we love you.
  • Dan writes all the HTML code himself by hand. He says it's fun. Go figure.
  • The site seems to work most of the time on most versions of most browsers.
  • Graphics are created by Dan unless noted otherwise, and he has put them in the public domain, so help yourself to them!
  • Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version (R). Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
  • Did you notice we use lower case for "he" and "him" when referring to God or Jesus? This is consistent with most English Bible translations, and does not connote any irreverence.

Thanks for visiting, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
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